Thank you, dear reader.
Thanks for making Yet Another Linux Blog one of the top Linux Blogs on the planet! It was an average day over 8 years ago that I began to host my own blog at linuxblog.sytes.net (thanks No-Ip.com!) on a PII that I inherited from one of my friends. Slackware Linux hosted the project then and I wanted to use my new blog to explore the Linux world posting tips, tricks, and how-to’s on my way. Millions upon millions of pageviews and 6 hosting changes later, we arrive here…at the end of 2011.
So am I throwing in the towel since I didn’t post regularly in 2011? Heck no. I’m going to continue learning and posting, exploring and writing. In fact, I’ve made it a resolution to do more posting this year than I ever have to develop my writing as I begin to supplement my technical writing portfolio. Technical Writing would be my profession of choice if this were a perfect world…getting paid to help people is something I find very satisfying. For now, I freelance and am looking to possibly make freelancing become my full time job.
Once again, thanks for making Yet Another Linux Blog be a stop in your browser…thanks for making it be a blip on your RSS reader….thanks for your support and continued reading 🙂