PCLinuxOS Reloaded and Rebranded 2007

As some of you know, I own and operate mypclinuxos.com, which is a community projects website for PCLinuxOS. What some of you may not know is that PCLinuxOS held an official contest earlier last summer to select a new logo. The community voted through three rounds of elimination on this new logo, created by the winning artist nicknamed ludi.

Winning Logo

Logo after request for modification from creator of PCLinuxOS

Coming Soon, 2007…is this the final version of the logo?

Just after the project, I pitched an idea in the mypclinuxos.com forums on creating how-to’s for beautifying the desktop which received immediate support and the PCLinuxOS Beautification Project was born. Not only did this team of graphics designers, many of which operate their own web design and graphics companies, make it easy to have fantastic theme sets for the PCLinuxOS Desktop, it also makes them as easy to install as using Synaptic. After install via snyaptic, a quick change in the KDE Control Center, and you’re set!

This team really has outdone what I expected of them…I honestly didn’t think they’d grow to encom*]}*pass many themes, wallpapers, Beryl Splashes, window decorations, font, icons, etc. for PCLinuxOS and the next coming version .94. But there are so many talented artists in this project that they have made PCLinuxOS fantastic polished distro. Now the solidarity of the PCLinuxOS desktop is conveyed by the overall themes of the desktop making .94 a ‘must see release’

I’m excited to be a part of the development process of PCLinuxOS through the Beautification Project and proud to be a community leader with mypclinuxos.com. So when .94 comes out, make sure you give it a try! You won’t be sorry you did as PCLinuxOS will not only look great, but work out of the box for a majority of users!

Author: devnet

devnet has been a project manager for a Fortune 500 company, a Unix and Linux administrator, a Technical Writer, a System Analyst, and a Systems Engineer during his 20+ years working with Technology.

11 thoughts on “PCLinuxOS Reloaded and Rebranded 2007”

  1. I like the new logo. I did not realize where it came from.
    Are any of the new settings for changing the look of the OS available for v.93 or are these v.94 only.
    I am using .93 now and the talk of how good .94 looks in the forums and now here makes me want to see a sneak peak.

  2. There should be a public beta out by the end of this week (Tex announced this on the dev mailing list) so keep your eyes peeled!

  3. And if you add the SAM Linux repository, you’ll be running the latest XFCE 😀

    Or you could just wait for SAM to release soon after .94 releases.

  4. Yes, thanks. I saw that page but couldn’t find a link there or elsewhere to the SAM repository. In any case, that page mentions XFce and, according to Synaptic, I have

    I saw a report that the first release of PCLOS .94 will be a beta version – gives me time to try something else.

  5. Texstar and the PCLinuxOS crew have announced the availability of the first public
    beta for PCLinuxOS 2007. Tuxmachines has quite a nice
    writeup on some of the interesting changes seen with this incarnation of PCLinuxOS.I sure hope that
    this release gi

  6. Texstar and the PCLinuxOS crew have announced the availability of the first public
    beta for PCLinuxOS 2007. Tuxmachines has quite a nice
    writeup on some of the interesting changes seen with this incarnation of PCLinuxOS.I sure hope that
    this release gi

  7. SAM 2007test1 is available, its the same base as PCLinuxOS 2007test1, but with XFce (XFce 4.4 in the final release!) and all Gtk apps.
    Take a look!


  8. Sam differs from PCLinuxOS in that Xfce is the default desktop, right? I can install Kde as well, can I, because it has apps that the other desktops don’t match?

    Sorry, it’s taken me a while to wake up to the potential.

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