Want to know what utilizes 54.3 MB of RAM idle at 1% CPU utilization on a Gateway M250 laptop? CrunchBang Linux, that’s what!
It’s always a breath of fresh air when you are able to resurrect older hardware that most people would throw right into the trash with a dash of Linux.
Granted, this M250 laptop isn’t in its default config…I’ve updated it from 512MB of RAM to 2GB of RAM…which puts it at the maximum it can recognize. It is running a Pentium M 740 Processor that runs at 1.73 Ghz and was part of the Centrino line from Intel. It’s not breaking any land speed records but it hums along nicely. I can upgrade it still to a Pentium M 760 and then that too will be maxed out. For now, this laptop would run Windows XP normally and probably not do a fantastic job at it with a bunch of apps installed.
With Linux, I can load it up with just about anything I want and things just work. If you haven’t taken a look at CrunchBang Linux in a while, you should do so immediately. It’s like straight up octane fuel for your older computers. I’m pleased that CrunchBang uses Debian for its base so that I am not in want of obscure packages and it uses Openbox, one of my favorite window managers, for its default desktop.
During the writing of this article using Firefox…er Iceweasel 8.0…it’s humming nicely at 175MB of RAM being used and about 15% CPU. Very pleased thus far. I’ll include a screenshot below and I’ll do a more in depth review of CrunchBang soon.
Remember, don’t throw out your old computers/laptops. Resurrect them with Linux…particularly a VERY well put together and nice distribution like CrunchBang Linux!