Midori, Flash, and Unity Linux 2010

I just took a look at how Unity Linux 2010.1 shapes up and found that the flashplayer plugin doesn’t work with the default browser which is Midori.  Here’s a quick fix for getting flash to work with Midori on Unity 2010.  First, install the flash-player-plugin (as root in terminal or use the gui):

smart install flash-player-plugin

Next, we need to create a directory under your profile to house the flashplayer plugin and then copy it there.  I’m sure we might be able to get by with a symbolic link but I didn’t try that out…

mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/plugins && cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/

That’s it, it should work now.  I’ve done this on 32bit Unity Linux 2010.1 on a Gateway M250.  Hopefully this helps out someone out there 🙂

Find Files & Directories Not Visible to Others for Webserver

I wanted a quick way to be able to find out what files weren’t visible to others (and therefore, not visible to website visitors).  Messing with arguments and the file command, you can do the following:

find -type f ! -perm -444

This locates all files not visible to ‘others’ in the current directory.  You can apply this to directories as well:

find -type d ! -perm -111

Hope this helps people like it helped me. 🙂

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